I have been very excited about using the LibraryThing.com website, so the other day I went in, created an account, and quickly added three titles that I new my class would read this coming school year.  With just a click, each book's cover was there with all of the information about the book that you could find on Amazon.com.  I am hoping to import all of the titles from my classroom library and allow my students to sort of use it as a book catalog in my classroom (provided I can find a laptop for them to use).  At the same time I have been fascinated with the notion of assigning the Reader's Responses on a class blog for students to share their reactions and personal connections to passages that they read. Today I decided to play around a bit with Shelfari, since it offers the user the option to create a widget to add to a blog. 
I am so excited!  I was able to figure out how to add the "book I'm reading" widget to my Reader's Response Blog (check it out!).  It wasn't overly difficult....it just took me awhile to figure out how to add the HTML to the blog for it to appear in my website.  Creating the Widget in Shelfari was the easy part.  As it turns out, you simply have to select the Custom HTML button in the more sidebar while you edit your blog.  Then with a cut and a paste, the addition is done.   I plan to play around more with both sites to decide which program I will employ in my classroom.  Maybe I will use both!

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    I am a third grade teacher at Haledon Public School.  I enjoy learning new things, and learning how to blog is one of them!


    August 2011
    July 2011

